If you are going to open a site or blog, you must have heard the concepts of hosting or domain before. Users who want to create a domain name for themselves have a number of paid and free hosting options. If you want to use it professionally, of course, the best hosting service will be special ones for you. However, clarify what is most important to you. So, choose what stands out for you, such as performance, expertise, or speed.
Likewise, there is a distinction between Turkish or foreign hosting. The distinction between them is usually in terms of wages. The annual fee you have given and the income you have received from advertisements and similar elements are different.
Generally, foreign origin hosting companies are chosen because more shares are taken over advertising revenues. But at this point there are some elements to consider. If you are getting this service from an American company, your users also use this way when they visit you. Therefore, some hosting companies have the opportunity to choose a close location. You can also get this service from Europe. When choosing the best foreign hosting company, you should pay attention to speed, performance, the limit given to you for cpu, system features and location as we have just mentioned. Companies such as Hozzt, digitalocean, linode are among the most well-known sites on this subject.

Instead of companies with foreign locations, you can also choose companies with headquarters in Turkey. Of course, as a location, you adjust your cities according to the centers of these companies. On the subject of the best hosting company in Turkey, you can pay attention to factors such as how many users can be removed at the same time, and the possibility of add-ons. You can choose Güzel hosting, Turhost, Natro, Radore, Istescil companies, and you can choose the hosting that suits you best by visiting the sites where the sites are tested. Your target audience is also very important at this point. If you want to appeal to an audience mainly living in Turkey, it would be more beneficial to choose Turkey as the central location, since location is important.
You should make a choice by evaluating many issues such as how to choose hosting, from which location you should choose, to choose paid hosting or free hosting. However, in terms of what to pay attention to for the best hosting, you should first determine your target audience and location correctly, and accordingly, you should choose from companies that are headquartered in Turkey or of foreign origin. Likewise, speed is also very important. You need to see how many people can visit your site at the same time and what is your server speed. CPU permission is also one of the points to be considered for you. Most hostings have demo or refund options, you can try them yourself by using them.