Building a website in English is one of the best and most lucrative pursuits that can be made on the internet right now. Also, starting a blog is quite simple and requires no technical knowledge.

You know that in our country, the foreign exchange rate is increasing day by day and the Turkish lira is losing value. On the other hand, establishing a website in English and broadcasting to users abroad provides you with dollars.

With an English blog, you can earn 4-5 times as much as you earn from a Turkish site and even more.

In fact, by opening an English blog site, it is possible to earn really significant money with as few as 100-200 visitors on average.

So how can we make a profit in such a short time with so few visitors? The answer is simple; High CPC, eCPM and earnings from adsense with English site.

Of course, we cannot say that with this many visitors, we can earn this much per day. This figure can be much higher or lower depending on your site’s industry, click-through rate (CTR) and cost-per-click (CPC).

The countries that earn the most;

Also, let me point this out. You do not need to know English to open a website in English. In the following parts of the article, I explain how you can prepare content for your blog.

In this article, which is the best hosting to build an English site in general? how to open a blog in english How to create content for an English blog site in the easiest way? How and how much money can be made from a blog in English? You can find answers to all your questions such as:

In order to monetize your site, we first recommend you google adsense. However, we can also recommend as an alternative.

In Adsterra, there are no problems such as waiting for site approval and pins like adsense. Moreover, they offer many payment methods and pay in dollars.

If you want to use adsense and you already have a Turkey adsense account, you don’t need to get a different adsense account for your English blog.

The currency of your Adsense account is not important. Moreover, you must register with the country you are in in order to receive hassle-free payments from Adsense.

When a visitor clicks on a foreign advertiser’s ad from your site, if the click cost of that ad is 1 dollar, Google calculates it according to the exchange rate and reflects it in TL to your adsense balance.

To set up a site in English, I can recommend you a few hosting companies that we have reviewed on our site before.

These hosting companies are the most recommended world’s best foreign hosting companies.


Nice hosting, one of the best and most popular hosting companies in Turkey, offers web hosting services abroad.

If you get your hosting service from beautiful hosting, you can get technical support in Turkish. This will be a very good advantage over other foreign hosting companies.

In case of any problem you are experiencing, you can request technical support from the 24/7 hosting team.


Hostinger is one of the best hosting companies you can find for overseas hosting. In addition, numerous websites in Turkey use Hostinger.

It is active in Turkey at and has pricing in TL.

With Hostiger’s premium hosting plan, you can register a free domain name for your site.


Another hosting company we can recommend to start a blog in English is hostgator. You’ve probably heard of or even used this company before.

Hostgator is one of the top US location hosting companies and has millions of customers worldwide.


One of the reliable and most recommended hosting companies to choose for US location hosting is bluehost.

The starter hosting plan is very affordable, and with it you can register a free domain for your site.

>> Is the domain extension important?

The domain extension is not very important, but of course, I recommend .com and .net extensions as they are more prestigious.

>> Is location important?

Since our website is in English, it will be much better if our hosting is abroad, especially in terms of performance.

>> Should the WordPress language be English?

You can make your WordPress admin panel Turkish, but in the site design section, make sure to set the wordpress language to English.

If you do not have a good command of English to write an article, we can suggest three different methods.

The first method;

There are many ready-made article sites. You can buy English articles at affordable prices from these sites.

Second method;

You can prepare an article in Turkish and publish it on your site by having it translated on forums or freelancer sites for a reasonable fee.

Of course, you can also print English content on the subject you want directly from scratch.

Third method;

You can automatically produce content using artificial intelligence article sites. Of course, these sites do not always work perfectly.

But you can try the service. This is one of the best services right now.

You do not need to add ads as soon as you open your site or if you are applying for adsense for the first time, do not rush.

First, make the necessary arrangements for the blog and complete the settings. Then, after adding at least 10-15 content, apply for adsense and place the ads on your site.

A correct adsense ad placement is also essential for maximum earnings. According to your design, you should take care to place ads in accordance with the rules, with a certain strategy, in a way that does not disturb the user.

In general, if you want to earn high, ever-increasing and healthy incomes with adsense;

You can use the name inserter wordpress plugin for Adsense ad placement.

With the platforms that will constantly provide hits for your site, which we recommend just below, you will increase your blog’s potential and rise in google, and you will earn from these visitors.

# Twitter

You can share your content on this account by creating an English twitter profile for your blog. But we need to pay attention to some points while sharing your content.

That is, tweet frequently by adding the link, title and a short description of your content, especially using all the hashtags on the world agenda, to gain visitors about your blog.

# reddit

Reddit is a social bookmarking site with millions of visitors per day. You can gain very, very good visitors by sharing the content you create in groups called subreddit.

First of all, we create an account quickly by going to and saying “sign up” from the upper right corner. Then, after logging in to reddit, we click on the “create post” button in the upper right corner and start sharing our site.

But don’t post too often on reddit. Otherwise, they may suspend your account.

# Facebook

One of the other valuable platforms where you can get good visitors to your blog is definitely facebook. Of course, first create a good facebook account/page for your blog and write your blog information on this page (add your website, fill in the about sections, etc.).

1. Share your content on the page you created and earn some links. Do not forget to use hashtags related to your content while making these shares.

2. Find and join foreign blogger groups on Facebook. Join all foreign groups with 1000+ members by searching for words such as “blog, blogger, blogging” in the search box after logging into your facebook account.

Gradually, when your request to join the groups is accepted, share your content in all the groups you join regularly every day and make people visit your blog.

3. Advertise the remarkable content you share on the page you created with small budgets.

# Pinterest

Pinterest is a social media platform that has become quite popular lately. Providing hits to their site is gold for those who want to gain backlinks.

You can easily create a profile with your google account by going to and start creating pins by clicking the “plus (+)” icon in the upper right corner.

A board with a “title”, “content link” and a “short description” is all it takes to create a Pin. After entering this information, you can deliver our content to users on Pinterest by saying “save”.

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